Our expert science bloggers write about health and diseases, cancermetabolism, nutrition, the biology and chemistry of aging, how the brain works and more. Browse your interests.






Faqs:  Nutrition  |  Exercise  |  Mindfulness  |  Sleep  |  Fasting

5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System During This Pandemic

Do these five things every day to keep your immune system ready to fight infections: Eat plants. Move. Breathe. Fast. Sleep.

How to Eat Smart During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Registered dietitian Margarida Martins Oliveira provides advice and tips on how to eat healthy and keep your food safe during a pandemic.

Why We Need Stress… In Moderation

Stress can hurt you. It can also strengthen you physically, psychologically, physiologically and professionally. But you have to find the balance.

How Social Distancing Stops the Spread of COVID-19

Because coronavirus infection from one person to the next may occur before the infected person shows symptoms, social distancing this month is…

5 Tips to Fast Safely During This Coronavirus Pandemic

Don't let COVID19 stop you from fasting. Follow these 5 precautions.

BIOSENSE: The Needle-Free Way to Measure Ketones

Measure your ketones as many times as you want without worrying about cost. Get to know your body to optimize weight loss.

What’s the Deal with Cancer Screening? Colonoscopy Edition

Why and when you should get a colonoscopy.

What to Do Now if Your New Year’s Resolution Failed…

Have your New Year's resolutions fallen to the wayside? You aren't alone. Kerry walks you through setting new health goals you can achieve.

What Fasting Style Is Right For You?

What fasting style is right for you? We help you figure that out in this blog post!

A Multi-Day Fast with LifeOmic CEO Dr. Don Brown

Dr. Don Brown shares why and how he practiced a five-day fast to kick off 2020!