Our expert science bloggers write about health and diseases, cancermetabolism, nutrition, the biology and chemistry of aging, how the brain works and more. Browse your interests.






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New FDA-Approved Anti-Obesity Drug, Semaglutide, Isolated From Most Unlikely Source

A new anti-obesity drug – WegovyTM (semaglutide) – was approved by the FDA last month for the first time since 2014... but you will never guess where…

4 Ways to Optimize Sleep to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Lifestyle changes that aid the removal of brain waste during sleep could help prevent neurodegeneration.

Jumping genes: One Clue in Our Understanding of the Dark Genome

Jumping genes quietly reside in thousands of species, bringing diversity and evolution. They can also mean bad news.

Exercise During Pregnancy Benefits Your Child’s Health Through Epigenetics

Expecting? Physical activity protects your growing baby from acquiring the harmful effects of parental obesity and stress.

7 Safety Tips for Practicing Extended Fasting

How long should your extended fasts be? How often should you do them? What precautions should you take?

Is it a Good Idea to Combine Intermittent Fasting and Exercise?

Exercising before breakfast may help you burn more fat, though it may not make you lose more weight.

The Hospital is Still the Safest Place to Deliver your Baby

What new research says about the risks of giving birth at home, at a birthing center, or at the hospital.

The 5 Stages of Intermittent Fasting

From ketosis to autophagy to growth hormone production, learn more about the five stages of intermittent fasting with the LIFE Fasting Tracker!

What’s the Deal with Diet and Cancer Immunotherapy?

A healthy gut microbiome, achieved through proper diet, can increase the efficacy of cancer immunotherapies.

If You Have Struggled with Mental Health During the Pandemic, You Are not Alone

COVID-19 increased anxiety and depression in low-income families, children, and parents.