Our expert science bloggers write about health and diseases, cancermetabolism, nutrition, the biology and chemistry of aging, how the brain works and more. Browse your interests.






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Spice Your Way To a Healthy Metabolism!

Spices are a great way to add flavor to your food without adding extra calories. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and can help you lower…

LifeOmic’s Summer Retreat: 4 Nights in the Wilderness at 10,500 feet

Other than a few cuts and bruises, we got through largely unscathed.

The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer: What You Should Know

A diet specifically formulated for cancer patients may work in conjunction with other commonly used cancer therapies.

Just Brew It: How Coffee & Tea Help You Boost Metabolism

Caffeinated drinks do more for you than just keep you alert.

How to Practice Fasting According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine, is known for its holistic approach to health and well-being.

Add Nuts and Oils to Your Diet to Improve Metabolism!

Both nuts and oils are rich in healthy fats and a variety of nutrients, and because they are mostly plant-derived, they are easily incorporated in a…

The Ketogenic Diet for Seizures and Migraines: What’s the Deal?

Before it became a weight loss strategy, the ketogenic diet was used to treat epilepsy and severe headaches. Today, it remains a viable treatment…

The Magical Power of Beans to Help in Blood Sugar Control

From steamed edamame to cassoulet, the mighty bean is a staple in cuisines around the world. It’s also great for improving insulin sensitivity and…

How I Lost 40 Pounds and Over 10% of my Body Fat with LIFE Extend

When I began tracking my exercise, healthy plants, and intermittent fasting, I saw immediate and consistent results.

The Ketogenic Diet for Type-2 Diabetes: How Does it Work and What Can You Eat?

Foods that are low in carbs and high in healthy fats can improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity.