
The Benefits of Journaling Following a Cancer Diagnosis

When faced with an overwhelming and intense life transition, like receiving a…

Too stressed for sex? The mind-body connection and the stress-sex response

Some have stated that sex is a basic human need. Of course, none of us would…

Communication Between the Gut and the Brain is a Two-Way Street

Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach or experienced a gut-wrenching…

Do you Wilt or Thrive Under Pressure? Genetics Offers Part of the Answer

When we are under stress, a variety of biological processes are taking place.…

Why We Need Stress... In Moderation

COVID-19 Foreword When writing this article, I was hoping to convey how stress…

31 Daily Challenges to Bust Your Stress in 2020

Scroll down for a list of 31 Daily Stress Busting Challenges! Better managing…

Mindful breathing 2. Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash.

How to Get Started with Mindful Breathing

Just breathe. Have you ever been in such a beautiful place in such beautiful…

From Stress to a Resilient Brain, You Got More From Dad Than Your DNA.

A guest blog post by LifeOmic software engineer and biomedical scientist Chad…

Plant food. Personal holding small plants. Photo by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash.

What Nature Can Do For You on Earth Day

Many of us working in the concrete jungles that are our cities feel the stress…

Woman breathing fresh air in front of a waterfall.

Train Your Brain with Mindfulness, Thanks to Evolution

Your brain can be trained like a muscle! Just like lifting weights, a repeated…