
We Best Remember the Location of Calorie-Dense Foods— Our Evolutionary Past Explains Why

Do you always end up snacking on that bag of chips instead of going for a piece…


How Social Distancing Stops the Spread of COVID-19

With the amount of COVID-19 infections on the rise, researchers are scrambling…

What is Autophagy?

Autophagy isn’t a new word, at least not in this blog. As previously…

Deep Sleep Detoxifies Your Brain - Cerebrospinal Fluid For the Win

Another piece of the puzzle explaining sleep’s effect on our mental health and…

Do you have anxiety? Your mitochondria could be struggling to create energy.

The Takeaway: New research shows that anxiety is marked by dysfunction of our…

Female athlete gripping barbell in gym.

Out of Shape: Why We Lose Our Fitness

Why do we lose our fitness when we stop exercising? It’s a deceptively simple…

Check how much your heart rate recovers within one and two minutes following vigorous exercise.

Measures of Fitness

Fitness is often at the top of the wish list for people thinking about their…

Mental Health illustration

Your Brain on Mindfulness Meditation

The Hipness of Mindfulness When you hear the term “mindfulness…

Blocking Hormone Uptake Burns More Fat

Fat is not just fat. In other words, fat is not just a collection of energy…

Female doctor with colleague examining dog in hospital.

Animals at Your Doctor's Office? One Health, One Solution

Fast forward a decade or two. You walk into a hospital waiting room and quickly…