mental health

Asian woman having emotional stress.

Feeling blue? It could be your diet.

TLDR? Here’s the takeaway: A healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies…

Mindful eating.

A Mindful Eating Exercise for a Healthy Body

We recently wrote about a new model of obesity focused less on calories and…

Woman breathing fresh air in front of a waterfall.

Train Your Brain with Mindfulness, Thanks to Evolution

Your brain can be trained like a muscle! Just like lifting weights, a repeated…

Mental Health illustration

Your Brain on Mindfulness Meditation

The Hipness of Mindfulness When you hear the term “mindfulness…

Does Exercise Help You Fight Cancer?

Disclaimer: This blog is not a replacement for medical advice from your…

Tackling 2019 goals with a little AI assistance

The new year is here and with it comes a fresh wave of enthusiasm, filled with…

A heads up on head injuries

On December 1, 2012 Jovan Belcher emptied nine bullets into his girlfriend…

Take a lesson from a child — eat slowly. Credit: yulkapopkova.

How Mindful Eating Can Boost Your Metabolic Health

Have you ever waited for a child to finish a meal and found yourself wishing…