LIFE Extend

Not Just Another Corporate Wellness Program: Precision Wellness Actually Works

In April of 2021, Phariby Carswell, 45, went for a physical, driven by concerns…

How I Lost 40 Pounds and Over 10% of my Body Fat with LIFE Extend

Just over three years ago, my son Atlas was born. I love him dearly, and always…

The Scale Showed me I'd Gained Weight, so I Took Action

 Jason Kokx is an automation test engineer at LifeOmic. My wife and I had been…

Meet the LIFE Apps Coaches that Can Help You Improve Your health

If you have specific health goals in mind related to weight loss, nutrition,…

5 Pillars - Take the Challenges

5 Pillars for Health - Take the Challenge

Move. Eat Plants. Breathe mindfully. Fast. Sleep. These 5 Pillars of Health are…