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What’s Your Immune Response to COVID-19?

What does science have to say about the way our bodies respond to COVID-19? Let's dive in!

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Immune System Rocks

Here are the 10 top reasons why your immune system is awesome.

LIFE Apps Users are Trying New Recipes, Working Out at Home Amid Pandemic

Gyms and restaurants may be closed, but many people are still finding ways to work out and eat well.

A Collision of Pandemics: How Obesity and Diabetes Put you at Risk for COVID-19

You're home and the temptation to make poor food choices is greater than ever. Learn how to keep your weight and blood sugars under control in this…

In Times of COVID-19, Diabetics Should Tightly Control Their Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes, strict sugar control could help you strengthen your immune system during this pandemic.

Walking Towards a Healthier Heart

Even moderate walking reduces the risk of heart disease. Putting one foot in front of the other may also protect you from COVID-19.

COVID-19: A New Cardiovirus?

SARS-CoV-2 is mainly a respiratory virus, but it turns out it can affect the heart too.

Social Isolation and COVID-19: How to Take Care of your Mental Health

A pandemic is a new stressor for all of us, and it is normal to feel anxious and worried. These 6 tips will help you cope.

Does This Break my Fast? A Q&A with Dr. Cecily Clark-Ganheart

What breaks a fast? How often should I do extended fasting? What should I eat to break a fast? Dr. Cecily Clark-Ganheart answered these and other…